June 14, 2012

Hands-on Video: Test-Driven Development - Java Application Skeleton

Watch me code! I will use 30 minutes (split this into two videos) to create a simple Java Swing MVC application skeleton with TDD. The video is quite fast-paced so you'll need some prior knowledge about TDD (Test-Driven Development), mocks and MVC (Model-View-Controller) to get most of it.

This is my first video upload ever, so please forgive the bad quality of the recording. When I have time I'll try to find out what went wrong in conversions/upload and fix the video.

I'd love to have some comments on this. Do you want to see more videos like this? If yes, what type of application would you like me to create? I will create more only if people like this, so please comment.

Tools & Frameworks: Contents:
  • Eclipse
  • m2eclipse (Eclipse Maven plugin)
  • eclEmma (Eclipse coverage plugin)
  • JUnit 
  • Mockito

  • Create a new Maven 2 project
  • Use Maven Central Repository to pick up testing frameworks
  • Create simple Controller, View and Model classes
  • Use mocks for testing 
  • Test that exceptions are thrown
  • Use JUnit's assertThat (Hamcrest)
  • Test a method that launches a new thread
  • Switch execution to EventDispatchThread
  • Run test coverage with EclEmma

Vimeo does not offer HD video embedding, so go to the Vimeo to see the videos:

Hands-on TDD: Java (MVC) Application Skeleton Part I

Hands-on TDD: Java (MVC) Application Skeleton Part II (Youtube)
Hands-on TDD: Java (MVC) Application Skeleton Part II (Vimeo, not HD)

If you like my videos, you may also like James Shore's Let's Play: TDD series. I found that series while I was uploading my videos :)

June 03, 2012

Change of Focus

Hi there, I recently made a decision that is going to change the focus of this blog. I resigned. I have been working for the same employer for 13 years and I will surely miss my old colleagues, but this was something I wanted to do. 

Now I am in a lucky position where I can, for a while, do the projects that I want. Bwahahahaa, I am the master of my universe!

As you read this, I'm building a nice little web application with Vaadin, working against Cassandra DB. My main focus is to update my skills to the web and do that as fast as possible. 

So, from now on you will no longer be hearing stories of the challenges with large code-bases. What you will get, I have no idea. And I am definitely not going to change my habits, so my updates will be as non-regular as before.